Widex is a top hearing aid manufacturer. Their Zen programs are specific to their brand. There is a timer that can be set for the tinnitus masker. Great feature: being able to adjust the left and right ear volume controls separately.
More about this tinnitus solution
This App provides you with a sounder player with relaxing Zen sounds. The Zen sounds
presented on the playlist are intended to provide a relaxing sound background for adults (21 years and older) who desire to listen to such a background in quiet. The Zen sounds may be used as a sound therapy tool in a tinnitus treatment program that is prescribed by a licensed hearing healthcare professional who is trained in tinnitus management.
The Zen sounds presented in the playlist are intended to be used in quiet where hearing everyday sounds is not critical. The sounds are intended to provide a relaxing sound background for those who suffer from tinnitus.
The app also provides you with access to educational tools, which are intended to increase your awareness about how to live with your tinnitus through education on the basics of tinnitus as well as explained exercises.
The app is intended to be used with Widex hearing aids (either with streaming capability or via a COM-DEX or UNI-DEX). We recommend you listen to the selected sound for at least 2-4 hours a day, at a soft level. It is important the you choose a sound that you find is pleasant, to help you shift your focus away from your tinnitus. Listen to the sound while you are in quiet surroundings doing other things: reading, relaxing, working, etc. If you use hearing aids, the sounds in the app may be used alone (without amplification) in quiet when you are not required to hear surrounding sounds, or they can be used so both the surrounding sounds and the app sounds are heard together.